Welcome to the World of CHT.

Dear all highly valued visitors and web researchers, Welcome to the Magnificent World of Chittagong Hill Tracts and its Diversity. I hope you would enjoy going through all my posts and having viewed all the photos related to Eco-Tourism Development Worldwide. Good luck.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

About CHT Tourism

CHT Tourism is completely a tourism information site based on Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) situated to the south-eastern region of Bangladesh  may help you travelling through the following  wonders digitally and practically:

* CHT At  a Glance.
* Origin of CHT.
* Peoples of CHT.
* Population of CHT.
* Famous Places and Tourist Spots.
* Hotels and Motels of CHT.
* Area Measurement of CHT.
* Boarder and Boundaries of CHT.
* Map of CHT.
* Districts and Sub-districts of CHT.
* Miracles of CHT.
* Local Foods of CHT.
* Unity in Diversity of CHT.
* Problems and Chaos in CHT.
* The way out of CHT problems.
* Many more.

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